
Attention Early-Stage B2B SaaS Founders!

We'll Help You Reach Your First $1M ARR with our Performance-Based Growth System

We'll Build, Manage, & Optimize Your Entire Client Acquisition System So You Can Grow Faster Without Worrying Where Your Next Customer Will Come From

IMPORTANT: Spots are limited. Book a call today to see if you qualify.


Do you know where your next SaaS customers will come from?

Let me guess..

You've built a SaaS product that solves a major problem in the market.

You worked long grueling hours developing and testing to ensure your tech works.

And as soon as it was ready you gave access to people from your network.

You iterated, updated, and re-tested to make sure everything was perfect.

Maybe you even got a few referrals from your initial users.

But once you fully exhausted your personal network and referrals it was time to officially launch & go to market..

And this is about the point when you realized that you were way over your head.

You literally did everything the experts told you to do.

You spent weeks putting together a landing page or website.

You got a nice shiny logo.

You sent thousands of automated cold emails.

You sent hundreds of messages on LinkedIn.

You posted on social media, industry groups, & forums.

The result?


Sure you get a few clicks here and there.

The odd comment on your posts.

The rare positive email reply.

Maybe even a few leads.

But sales are slow or non-existent at all.

So then you take the next logical step...

Paid ads.

Maybe you even hired an agency to do it for you.


More crickets (only this time more expensive ones).

At this point you've probably already spent hours, days, weeks, or even months researching the best ways to acquire new SaaS customers.

And everything you've learned about prospecting, paid ads, retargeting, lead magnets, content marketing, sales funnels, VSLs, automated webinars, chatbots, and automation has left you feeling more confused and overwhelmed than ever...

You're stuck in the mud because you don't know which option is the best for your specific case, and trying to figure out if you should use a Free Trial funnel or Book a Demo funnel is causing you genuine anxiety.

And even though you’re trying your best to figure it out, you simply do not have the expertise to structure everything correctly from the get go.

Like 99% of the SaaS Founders we partner up with, you've tried some of these methods already and failed!

And to make it even worse, you see all of your competitors scaling their SaaS startups with what seems like relative ease, and you just can't figure out how to replicate their success or what their secret is.

So why is this happening to you....

Well, like most SaaS Founders, you made one simple mistake and thought that you validated Product Market Fit after only getting your friends & colleagues to use the product…

And as soon as you tried getting new customers outside of your network, you struggle to get any traction.

Because selling to warm traffic is one thing...

But selling to a cold audience is a completely different monster.

These people don't know you, they don't like you, they don't trust you, and they have no time to hear you out to learn what your product can do for them...

They're busy and they already get bombarded with dozens of generic outreach messages and hundreds of ads on a daily basis, so if you want to sell to them you first need to cut through the noise and get their attention.

Whoever said "the product will sell itself" wasn't living in today's competitive marketplace...

But you probably already know all this by now, don't you.

So what's the solution?

Well at SaaS Growth Agency, we specialize in helping early-stage B2B SaaS Founders take their products to the cold ruthless market, so you don't have to worry about where your next customers will come from.

Our partners typically go from a handful of poor quality leads each month to a pipeline filled with new sign-ups, demos & trials within weeks of working with us.

We use all of the tools in our tool box to make it happen from cold outreach, to funnel building, to paid ads, partnerships, content marketing, and everything in between.

And the best part is that we work on a performance-basis and we literally guarantee results.

So if this sounds good to you then our SaaS Growth Partnership might just be for you.

Our performance-based guarantee

We Guarantee That Our Process Will Generate You New Clients Like Clockwork (Or We Don't Get Paid).

All you have to do is follow a proven model that's been designed specifically for B2B SaaS companies to generate qualified leads and close deals like clockwork.

IMPORTANT: We do have payment plans & commission models available if we think you are a good fit.

our secret for fast saas growth

The CV4 Method

Phase #1

Offer Optimization

During this phase we review your current offer & positioning, and identify opportunities to stand out & become the #1 option for your target customers.

Then we use our 6-Pillar Offer Creation Process to build you an Irresistible (Cold-Friendly) Offer your prospects would feel stupid saying "no" to.

Phase #2

Sales Funnel Creation

Once we created your cold-friendly offer, the next step would be building you a Sales Funnel that'll convert interested prospects into leads & sales.

Having spent years analyzing the best B2B SaaS Sales Funnels, we created our own library of top-performing landing pages, messaging templates, follow-up sequences & even (niche-specific) automations that get our partners top 1% industry results in the first weeks of plugging our system to their offer.

The best part? We give this system 100% free to all our SaaS Partners.


"Message - Market - Fit"

This is the phase where we Go-To-Market using cold outreach to validate which offer angle & positioning makes people want to hop on a demo with you the most.

We leverage AI & our 20+ proven B2B SaaS outreach templates to give our partners a head-start until we find the messaging that works best for them.

Most Founders are shocked how drastically different our outreach process is from what they've been trying before (& how big of a difference it makes in results).


"Sales - Market - Fit"

Not all SaaS founders are spectacular sales people, yet it is important for the founder to have this invaluable skill.

That's why we give our partners a proven sales process that 3X their chances for getting a sale, without being "salesy" or waiting another 6 months 'till they're ready.

Moreover, we'll analyze your calls with you, provide 1-1 feedback & coach you on how to sell more effectively, so you get this area handled once & for all.


"Product - Market - Fit"

Now that we validated your new offer & you got the desired result to your new clients, we successfully got to the Product-Market-Fit stage.

This means that we are ready to supercharge your lead generation.

In this stage we scale up the outreach volume, find you strategic partners for your new offer, and start using paid ads to 3x your pipeline.

From this point we continue managing & optimizing all the client acquisition processes in your business, so you can 3, 5 or even 10x your growth without losing your mind.

Meet Our Clients

Our Awesome Clients


Check Out The Results We've Achieved
For Some Of Our SaaS Partners...

How Evaldas @ StackTome Closed His First B2B SaaS Clients & Found Product-Market Fit



Review Optimization Tool For Ecommerce

Closed his first B2B SaaS clients & found PM Fit in just a few months of working together.

Evaldas Miliauskas

How Wilson @ BlockSurvey Supercharged His Sales Conversion Rate & Optimized His Product-Led Flows



Forms & Survey Tool

From Less Than 1% Conversion Rate To Almost 15% By Optimizing The Product-Led Flows, Adding Application Funnel & Systemizing The Sales Process

Wilson Bright

How Luke @ Enform went from 0 to 10+ calls/week & closed his first SaaS clients



Productivity Software for Product Leaders

From 0 calls/week to 10+ calls/week with his target customers

Luke Grimstrup

How Senpex Got 1000+ Targeted B2B Leads Generated Over 20 Months, In A Consumer Saturated Marketplace 



Logistics & Supply Chain Software

1000+ B2B Leads Generated Over 20 Months

Anar Mammadov

How Full Fabric Generated 60+ Leads & Filled Their Pipeline In Only 2 Months Of Running Paid Ads


Full Fabric

Higher Education CRM & Admissions Software

Over 60 Quality Leads & A Full Deals Pipeline In Their First 2 Months

Ivan Silva

How Jacquies company Got 541% More Leads, While Decreasing The Cost-Per-Acquisition by 19% In Just 6 Months

High Ticket B2B SaaS

Transcription & Captioning Software

541% Increase In Leads 19% Decrease In CPL In As Little As 6 Months

VP Marketing
Jacques Botbol

How ScraperAPI Got 114% More Leads, For 71% Less Cost, In As Little As 5 Months

"Since we engaged with Ads Lancelot I spend very little time needing to manage the ad effort. They take care of everything. They are extremely detailed-oriented, the communication is top-notch and my ad campaigns have never before produced such great results!"

Dan Ni


Web-Scraping API

114% Increase In Leads
71% Decrease In CPL
In As Little As 5 Months

Dan Ni
Official Partners
Your Expert Consultant

Meet Your SaaS Growth Consultant

Daniel Grinshpun

For the last few years I’ve been working with B2B SaaS companies at various stages, and had the privilege to learn from the top performers directly.

I’ve seen what top-tier SaaS companies did right, what they did wrong, and analyzed the results together with them.

Through this process I understood which strategies & tactics that ACTUALLY work, and can help you shortcut the process to your MRR goals.

Ready To get started?

Book your SaaS Growth Call and let's Grow Your MRR together!
